My edits are Gentle Kind Encouraging
I know how scary it is to share your work with others.
This is why I focus heavily on first showing authors what they do well then teaching them the changes they can make to take their writing to the next level.

It’s normal to feel nervous about getting feedback on your work, especially when you’re new.
But you don’t let that fear stop you from reaching out.
I know how scary it is to share your work with others.
This is why I focus heavily on first showing authors what they do well then teaching them the changes they can make to take their writing to the next level.
It’s ok if you don’t know much about writing.
I give feedback in ways that you can actually understand– no English degree needed!
With simple grammar explanations and plot examples from popular books and movies, you can learn everything you need to successfully write your story.
When I edit your work, I send the feedback in a video. With your document on the screen, I go through each of the changes I made. I don’t just fix your work, I teach you why I made those changes so you can improve your writing.
. You don’t have to worry about getting a document filled with red lines of edits you don’t understand. I explain everything face-to-face (well, screen-to-screen). Plus, I share all the things I loved.
It’s like getting feedback from a friend.
Writing a book is one of my greatest accomplishments.
It was also one of my most difficult goals.
I spent hours of precious writing time scouring the Internet for how to improve my writing and find my story a home.
Besides learning how to write, I needed to change my mindset. I was stuck in insecurity about my qualifications (which were none). I also felt weighed down with powerlessness about the time and sanity available for writing after caring for my four children.
With time, practice, and the support of writers and coaches, I published my book.
Now I get to help you.
I combine my skills as a freelance editor with my skills as a life coach to teach you how to write a book, how to write it well, and how to have the mindset to follow through when it starts to get tough.
Please note: the calendar will ask you to select a day and time, but there is no meeting for this service. The date and time are only to help me manage my workload.
All edits and communication will be via email.