Submit Your Private Edit Here!

One of the biggest perks of the Real Talk membership is the weekly private edits.

 I am excited to read your work and help you polish it so you can reach all your writing goal!


Before submitting, please read the rules below.


Already know the rules? Jump to the submission form here:

Due to the nature of developmental editing, I can only one edit file even if the word count is under 3,000 words. For example, I cannot edit two picture books or a chapter and query, even if the total word found falls below 3,000. You are welcome to submit another document the next week or bring additional edits or questions to a group call.

But please note!

Five minutes goes quickly.

This means:

 For example: a chapter with a lot of incorrectly punctuated dialogue may have only one or two lines fixed, with an explanation of the rules, and I will let you fix the rest.

This also means:

 I will edit as much as I can. But, you may receive comments such as,  “Can you increase the tension in this part?” instead of, “Here are some ways you can increase the tension.”

So what can you submit?

any document up to 3,000 words, including:

Need detailed feedback?

If you are looking for a thorough edit, such as a proofread before publishing a picture book or feedback on a query before you send it, please look at these options:

Thank you for making this process smooth and realistic.

fill out this form to submit your file

Thank you! I’m so excited to read your work. You’ll see your feedback in your inbox within three business days!

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