Earn Points

You currently have points

I want to do all I can to encourage you in your writing. 

In order to help you stay motivated,  you can earn points! 

 The points you earn can be redeemed for prizes here:

Weekly Writing Goal

100 points/week

Did you reach your weekly writing goal this week? You can make it as big or as small as you’d like, and it can be based on words, pages, minutes, and more. Do what works best for you, and when you hit it, check in here! 

Weekly Challenge

100 points/week

Writing doesn’t happen in a bubble. As we set goals and improve in other areas of our lives, we can improve our writing. 

This week’s goal:


Leave a review for one of your favorite books.

All authors depend on review from their readers to help share their books. Practice supporting other authors by leaving a review. You can leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads, or if you’re not online, tell a friend or family member about one of your favorite books and why you love it. Let me know below what your favorite book is! 


View the Monthly eCourse

100/points month

Each month we have a new video course about an aspect of writing. When you’ve watched the video, push the button for your points. 

Watch the Weekly Edit

25 points/weekly

One of the best ways to learn is from watching other authors on their writing journey. All live edits are recorded so you can learn from other authors. Go take a look at someone’s work and see what feedback you can apply to your own writing.

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